Find peace in chaos
at The Den

The Studio
​I hope that when you visit The Den, you will find a warm and welcoming space, an oasis away from the chaos of everyday life, somewhere to move and to breathe, enjoy your perfect yoga practice and, of course, to relax.
Whether you are new to yoga, or more experienced, whether you are looking to relax and unwind, or find a stronger practice, there is a class for everyone here!
I look forward to welcoming you at The Den for yoga, relaxation, meditation and more. Maybe even just pop in for a cuppa and a chat!
Join me on the mat
The current timetable can be seen here, and unless otherwise stated, all classes, events and workshops are at The Den Yoga Studio
All classes must be booked online, with booking opening a month in advance.
Prices vary, with hour-long classes for £9, and there are various class passes available for great value for money!
Studio Classes
You can join me at the studio for a variety of classes: weekly, monthly and occasional.
Prices vary with hour-long classes for £9. All classes must be booked online, with booking opening 3 months in advance.
Please read the Studio Participant Information before booking!

Pre-recorded Classes
A library of pre-recorded classes for you to access whenever and wherever!
These pre-recorded classes are available to rent individually - just £3 for 24 hour access. There is a variety of class types and lengths to choose from, including Reset and Flow, something for all occasions.

Other Services
As well as the regular studio and online classes, there are other ways to practise with me.
Private Classes
1-1 and Small Groups
Perhaps you like the idea of having a solo session with me? Ideal if you have particular areas of practice that you would like to focus on, would like a private lesson before you join a class, or simply prefer to practice away from a class environment.
Or perhaps you have a group of friends or family who would like to join you on the mat (from a distance of course!)? A great way to spend quality time together, either as a one off, or a regular event.
Each session will be personally designed with you in mind depending on your particular needs and what you are looking for in your practice, and we will go through this before your session, either by email or phone.

If you enjoy yoga and meditation, but sometimes an hour simply isn't enough, and if you like the idea of escaping, retreating, from the outside world for a little longer, then a RETREAT could be just what you need.
The Den offers 3 types of retreats: day, weekend and, coming in 2024, retreats abroad.

Events & Workshops
The Den will also be offering occasional special events and workshops. These may include Positive Sleep, Supporting Menopause, AROMA events, and others too.
These will be announced on Facebook and via email, so to be kept updated, either subscribe to the mailing list, or follow The Den Yoga Studio on Facebook.
Workplace Wellbeing
Promoting staff wellbeing is vital to a productive and happy workforce and I am able to offer employers classes tailored to the needs of their employees, either within The Den, or at their place of work. I am happy to discuss standalone sessions or courses, perhaps around a wellbeing programme,
Schools and Nurseries
Bringing yoga to younger lives in nurseries and schools (primary and secondary) hopefully teaches skills to support through formative years and habits for life. With lots of fun along the way!
Classes are tailored to the ages and needs of each group, and to the time, space and facilities available, and explore all aspects of a yoga practice
Other groups
I am currently working in partnership with MyLife CiC, to bring positive movement and mindfulness to their members, adults with a wide variety of physical and learning needs.
If you have a similar project (single sessions, fixed term courses or ongoing provision), that you would like to discuss, then please get in touch.

"Quiet the voice telling you to do more and be more and trust that in this moment, who you are, where you are, and what you are doing is enough.
You will get to where you need to be in your own time. Until then, breathe. Breathe and be patient with yourself and your process.
You are doing the best you can to cope and survive amid your struggles, and that is all you can ask of yourself.
It's enough.
You are enough."